Friday 26 October 2007

The annoying thing about blogs is this......

Well, it's that people start them and then can't be bothered to keep them going! Of course, I have a million excuses for not adding to mine for a couple of weeks, overworked, underpaid etc. Actually, I've just been on holiday (yes, I know we teachers are totally spoilt, don't know what it's like in the real world where you have to exist on less than 13 weeks holiday a year!) so that's my most topical excuse.
Did anyone annoy me while I was away? YOU BET!! But that's to be expected from a grumpy old git like me. Where shall we start? What about having a go at the dickless wonders who have less than a passing acquaintance with the Highway Code? God, they bug me - listen to this you IDIOTS - do not, I repeat DO NOT park on a junction, even if it means that you might have to walk 10 metres or so to the post box! Do not, yes I need to shout it again, DO NOT overtake when there are double white lines down the centre of the road - that means it's dangerous you twats!! Apart from the frustrations of road travel, I had a very nice time with my lovely daughters at a decidedly chilly east coast resort known for its bracing qualities. No more today, as I find that I am in an uncharacteristically good mood and can't, for the moment, think of anything else to moan about. No doubt that will all change tomorrow.

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